
Announcements from Diaconate

6/23/2023   Praise the Lord everyone. For the past few years we  do not have a centralized location to save pictures of church related events. For this reason, many people are taking pictures on their cell phones  and leaving them there until Memory is full.  Now we have bought storage on google photos. We will be using it to store all the pictures of church related events.  This is a new account and all the old pictures from FBCTeluguservice will be moved here. We request you to upload all the church related  Pictures  from your phones to this google account. This is a private account so permission to view and upload will  be given only to our church family members.  To get access to this account, please send a email to If you have any questions,  you can write to the same email.  But do not reply here on this WhatsApp group.  Thank you July 4th 2023, Praise the Lord everyone.  This is a request to whoever is doing special songs on Sundays.  1) if possible, p